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ChimpKey Integrates with Quantify to Guarantee Current Material Pricing for Contractors

Writer's picture: PataBidPataBid

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

PataBid is excited to announce that ChimpKey Automation Ltd. has integrated with PataBid Quantify electrical/mechanical estimating software. PataBid and ChimpKey are revolutionizing the way contractors manage material pricing. Now, through this innovative integration, PataBid is guaranteeing that contractors always have access to the most current and accurate material pricing available.

This groundbreaking partnership is a game-changer for the industry and ensures that contractors always include accurate material pricing in their estimates. Learn more about the integration of these two software systems in this blog.

ChimpKey is a Vancouver-based tech company specializing in data extraction from PDF documents and/or invoices. The process of getting current material pricing involves extracting the pricing from invoices and transferring that data directly into Quantify. The way it works is that a Quantify user can set up ChimpKey to automatically extract data from PDF invoices directly from their email system. ChimpKey extracts the data from invoices (or other PDF documents) and sends that data to a third party application, such as QuickBooks or now, Quantify. ChimpKey’s simple and automated process eliminates mistakes that can occur with high volumes of invoice processing or other document processing workflows.

ChimpKey’s integration with PataBid has huge implications for Quantify users who receive invoices for electrical or mechanical material from their supply houses via email. With volatile material prices still plaguing the construction industry, PataBid has worked hard to develop integrated tools in Quantify to ensure contractors have the most up to date pricing possible. Our integration with ChimpKey is another way to guarantee current material prices when using Quantify to bid electrical/mechanical work. For a minimal fee, Quantify users can connect with ChimpKey to have the material pricing data extracted from their incoming invoices. The pricing information that is extracted from those invoices is then directly applied to a contractor’s database pricing in Quantify. Quantify users can also continue to utilize PataBid’s supplier profiles to automatically update database pricing as often as every two weeks. However, the ChimpKey integration guarantees up to the minute pricing, based on your current purchases with your electrical or mechanical supply house.

The process to begin to use ChimpKey’s services to extract material pricing data from invoices and into Quantify is quick and user friendly. Here is a step by step walkthrough of this new integration with Quantify mechanical/electrical estimating software. To begin, a contractor will log into Quantify and select the database tab at the top. On the left side of the screen at the bottom a user will see a tab for ChimpKey Integration.

An image displaying the ChimpKey integration screen in Quantify electrical estimating software.

Once a user clicks on that, a pop up menu will appear with a long string of numbers and letters, which is an ID key. At this point, a user will need to connect with ChimpKey directly and provide the ID key along with specific email configuration requirements (which emails they want data extracted from) to get started.

Quantify electrical estimating software integrates with ChimpKey to guarantee material pricing.

Once that set up is complete with ChimpKey, a Quantify user can simply go back to the ChimpKey integration area under the database section in our software. The number on the top right corner of the logo represents the number of new invoices that ChimpKey has extracted data from, using designated invoices from the user’s email account. Click on the number and the invoice data comes up.

Material pricing list to help contractors bid electrical work and bid mechanical work.

Next, a user needs to select a price source to apply the extracted material pricing data to. A user cannot modify the out of the box Quantify items database, however they can select one of their own curated pricing databases. Creating custom pricing databases is a helpful feature for contractors who frequently buy materials from more than one supply house, and want to keep the pricing lists separate. Creating custom pricing databases is quick and easy to do in Quantify, and a user can have an unlimited amount of pricing databases linked to their profile.

Screen showing Quantify electrical estimating software and mechanical estimating software pricing.

The next step in the process of updating pricing using invoice data is to just hit the green accept button and that pricing data is automatically applied to whichever source the user chooses. A user can also discard the invoice data if it is not applicable.

Updated electrical/mechanical pricing in Quantify estimating software.

If Quantify does not recognize an item from the data ChimpKey extracts, that item will be highlighted in yellow. At that point, a user can choose to select the item from the Quantify database in order to map the invoice data to the database item to ensure the correct item gets updated pricing.

Items data within Quantify electrical estimating software.

That’s how easy this entire process is. With this integration, Quantify can offer it’s users a straightforward method to guarantee accurate, up to date material pricing as they bid electrical/mechanical work. This automated workflow requires little additional cost to our users, and ensures greater bid accuracy and overall project success.

To learn about other new features in Quantify, connect with us to book a software demo.

If you're not sure about whether making the switch to digital estimating in your plumbing or electrical business is worth the cost, check out our digital estimating resources section. An advanced estimating software such as Quantify offers contractors the ability to bid mechanical work and electrical work faster and with improved accuracy.

We can provide you with a comprehensive overview of our electrical estimating software features and ensure that your business will benefit from making the switch to digital estimating. Reach out to us today to get started.



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